Upgrade Unveiling: Discover the Latest edSPIRIT Upgrade to Palm Version

Upgrade Unveiling: Discover the Latest edSPIRIT Upgrade to Palm Version

The edSPIRIT platform has upgraded to the Palm version of Open edX, ushering in enhancements designed for instructors and learners.

Experiences for Learners

Improvements in Discussions

The recent enhancements on the Posts page have optimized the viewing experience, enabling users to access more information seamlessly. This improvement accelerates the loading speed of posts and introduces the ability to sort comments and responses in reverse order. Additionally, users now have the option to filter discussions that have no responses, providing a more refined browsing experience.

Android App

Updates have been made to the Android app, specifically focusing on the Learner dashboard. The profile section has been relocated from the header to the footer, allowing learners to access their profile details seamlessly. Moreover, learners now have the option to choose between viewing My Courses or My Programs. Additionally, improvements have been made to the course header and navigation, enhancing the overall user experience. Learners will now be notified about course date shifts through a dedicated banner in the course header, mirroring the behavior experienced on the web browser platform.

iOS App

In the iOS app updates, learners will now be notified of any required course date shifts through a dedicated banner in the course header.

Support for Persian Language

Among the latest updates is the inclusion of support for the Persian language (locale code fa_IR). This update includes a comprehensive translation that covers 100% of the content, meticulously reviewed to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Experiences for Instructor

New Visual Problem Editor

The latest release introduces an experimental, enhanced problem-authoring experience featuring an interactive editor. Users no longer need to write markdown code when utilizing this feature, offering a more intuitive interface. Despite this update, the advanced mode remains accessible, allowing users to continue writing and editing OLX XML.
For a detailed overview of the changes in the problem editor, the Open edX wiki page titled [2U] New Visual Problem Editor provides valuable insights. Moreover, updated comprehensive instructions on creating problems can be found in section 8.4 of the "Building and Running an edX Course" documentation.
The Visual Problem Editor is integrated into the existing Course Authoring Micro-frontend. To activate this feature, users can enable the Visual Problem Editor by setting the waffle flag new_core_editors.use_new_problem_editor to “Yes” for all users.

New ORA Grading Experience

The recently introduced on-platform grading experience enhances the assessment process by offering convenient previews for various file types, enabling rubric-based evaluations, facilitating comment provision, and ensuring seamless coordination among all course team members. Detailed guidance on utilizing this updated system is available in section 10.26.4 titled "Staff Grading for Open Response Assignments" within the "Building and Running an edX Course" documentation.
The new ORA grading experience relies on the ORA Grading Micro-frontend, previously introduced as an experimental feature in Olive. To activate this feature, enable the feature flag openresponseassessment.enhanced_staff_grader.

New Bulk Email Experience

The recently introduced bulk email experience simplifies mass communication for instructors, automatically activating for courses configured for bulk email sending. Refer to the Eucalyptus release notes for guidelines on configuring bulk email settings.
The instructor's editing interface remains familiar, offering options to specify recipients, compose the email subject, and craft the message body. Additionally, this new experience introduces an experimental feature enabling instructors to schedule bulk emails instead of sending them immediately. Please note that utilizing this feature requires a cron service presently not included in Tutor. For further information, refer to the guidelines on Processing Scheduled Instructor Tasks.

Other Studio Updates

Enabling FEATURES['ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP'] setting now permits users with CourseCreate permission to select their organization via a drop-down menu within Studio.
The drag-and-drop feature has been relocated from the advanced problem types and is now displayed alongside other problems in Studio.
In the Unit View, the "jump_to_id" hint will be auto-filled with the current location ID, preventing course authors from needing to copy and paste generic text.

Experiences for Administrators & Operators

Experimental New Learner Home Page

The revamped Learner Home incorporates many features from the prior learner dashboard, introducing enhanced functionality and performance improvements.
Tutor operators can implement the new Learner Home by utilizing the experimental learner-dashboard-mfe plugin.
The Learner Home is now constructed using Paragon, the Open edX design pattern library, ensuring accessibility and facilitating brand color customization.
Course cards showcase the course thumbnail, course details, and options like upgrading to a paid track or accessing/viewing a course (if available). Additional course actions, such as unenrollment, email opt-out settings, and social media sharing, are now accessible via the menu/triple dot icon on the course card.
Selecting the “Refine” button provides options to filter courses based on their status or sort them by most recent enrollment (default) or title.
Upon page load, all courses associated with a user are fetched, and the system paginates the list to display 25 courses per page for better manageability. Users are required to navigate through their course list using the pagination controls situated at the bottom of the list to access additional courses.
Site staff now have the capability to view the platform from a user's perspective by entering a username or email in the “View as” box and submitting it. However, this feature operates in a read-only mode, preventing any modification actions such as enrollment, unenrollment, or session selection.
For a comprehensive list of modifications, refer to the Open edX wiki.

Exist any known problems or doubts about this upgrade's compatibility?

Although the upgrade is now complete, you can be confident that our committed staff is actively addressing and resolving any possible problems. We greatly appreciate your comments since it enables us to identify and quickly address any problems, making the user experience better for everyone. Your feedback is crucial to ensuring that our platform keeps getting better.

How do I check the Open edX version used in edSPIRIT?

In edSPIRIT, after each upgrade to a new Open edX version, a dedicated article is published in the Open edX Version Updates section. Furthermore, you'll consistently find information here about the currently deployed version in edSPIRIT.