Library Content

Library Content

Working with Library Content

In Studio, you can establish a library to compile a collection of components for use in randomized assignments within your courses. This library can include Text Components, Problems, and Video Components. However, note that Open Response Assessment and Discussion components are not compatible with libraries.

Create a New Library  

To create a new library, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Studio: Access your Studio account.
2. Select New Library: Look for the option to create a new library.
3. Enter Required Information:  Fill in the necessary fields for your new library, and then click Create.
Note: It is important to enter the library information accurately. The values in these fields will be incorporated into the URL for your library, so ensure that the total character count for the Library Name, Organization, and Library Code does not exceed 65 characters.
  1. Library Name: Provide a public display name for your library. Choose a descriptive name that will help you and other team members easily identify it.
  2. Organization: Input the identifier for your institution.
  3. Library Code: Enter a unique identifier for your library within your organization. This code will become part of your library's URL, so avoid using spaces or special characters.
4. Select Create: Click on the Create button to finalize the library setup. After creating the library, you will see it listed, and you can now begin adding components to it.
Note: After you create a library, the only aspect of the initial library information that you can change is the name. However, you can modify the components within your library at any time, which includes adding or deleting components as well as editing the settings of existing components.

Add Components to a Library

To add new components to your library, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Studio.
2. Select Libraries, then choose the library to which you want to add components.
3. Click on Add Component, then select the type of component you wish to include under Add New Component.

View the Contents of a Library

To view all components within a library in Studio, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Studio.
2. Select Libraries, then choose the library whose components you wish to view.
3. (Optional) Click on Hide Previews at the top right of the library page to collapse the component previews, allowing you to see only the list of component display names. To revert to the full component previews, click on Show Previews.
The components in the library will be displayed in the order they were added, with the most recently added components at the bottom. If your library contains more than 10 components, additional components will be accessible on other pages.
At the top of the page, you will see the range of components displayed on the current page, along with the total number of components in the library.
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