


A website's footer is crucial in improving user experience and delivering important data. The footer, which can be found at the bottom of every page, is a navigational tool that provides connections to crucial pages including the home page, contact, about us, and terms of service. In order to develop credibility and foster confidence, additional components such as accrediting logos, accolades, or certifications may be used.

You can manage all elements of the site Footer section. Your changes will appear on the landing page.

Footer settings page

To access the footer settings page, click on the "Footer" option in the left menu under the "Landing Page" section.

Different sets are available: Sections, Social links, footer text, and footer logo.



The section is used for categorization and creating an independent column in the footer.

By default, the section is present on the footer settings page. Each section consists of multiple fields, and each field contains a title and a link.

Creating a new section

To create a new section, follow the steps below:

      1. Click on the "Footer" option in the left menu under the "Landing Page" section.
      2. Click on the "Add New Section" button.
      3. Enter the name of the section in the "Section Title" box.
      4. Click on the “Save” button. A new section has been created.

Creating a new field

By using the “Add New Field” button, you can create a new Field.

To create a new Field, follow the steps below:

      1. Click on the "Footer" option in the left menu under the "Landing Page" section.

      2. Click on the "Add New Field" button

      3. While adding a new Field, you can choose its type. It can be an internal link to a current Static Page or an external link to a website.

      4. Insert a name in the title field to be displayed in the site's footer. For example: University Press. Then, put a URL in the link field.

Notice: The Internet address must be started with a http:// or https://

      5. Click on the “Save” button.


Creating a static page

      1. If you need to link to any internal pages, click on the “Static page link” button.

      2. A drop-down menu containing the names of 6 static pages will be displayed.

      3. Choose one of them based on your needs and application. These pages have the capability of being designed and edited desirably, which can be adjusted from the “static pages” section in the management menu.


Social Links

Hyperlinks to websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are known as social media links. They are added to the website footer in an effort to attract new clients and promote a company.

By default, the Social Links is present on the footer settings page.

       1. Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Social Network" and select your desired social media platform from the options provided.

       2. Then, enter the address or URL associated with the selected social media platform in the relevant box

       3. Click on the “Save” button.

Click on the "Add New Social Link" button to add a new social media link.


Footer text

The footer description serves as a quick summary or introduction to the website and is typically included in the footer portion of every page. Its objective is to rapidly describe to visitors the purpose or value of the website.

To write the footer text, follow the steps below:

       1. Click on the "Footer" option in the left menu under the "Landing Page" section.

       2. Enter the relevant description in the "Description" box.

       3. Click on the “Save” button.


Footer logo

A "Footer logo" is a logo or other visual representation of a business or organization that displays in the footer of a website. In order to do this, it is common practice to shrink the main logo, which improves brand identification and provides them with a visual indication even when they scroll to the bottom of the page. The footer logo, which is frequently clickable, can be used to access the website's home page or other significant sites. Its objectives are to maintain branding uniformity and enhance the website footer's aesthetic attractiveness.

To configure the settings for the website footer logo, follow the steps below:

      1. Click on the "Footer" option in the left menu under the "Landing Page" section.

      2. Click on the "Browse" option in the logo section and upload the desired logo from your computer.

      3. Click on the “Save” button.

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