Once you've shared a course, you can use Studio's course export
and import tools to save a backup copy of the course, then reimport and edit
the course as needed.
The file format you mostly use for importing and exporting courses is a tar.gz file.
Course creators can use the course re-run option to duplicate an
existing course for a new run.
The following are some examples of why you might want to export your course.
Studio generates a tar.gz file for the course you export
that includes details regarding the course, as shown below.
However, the following information is not included in the exported course files.
Use the guide below to export your course.
1. Select the Export Course option from the Tools menu.
2. Click on Export Course Content.
You can access the tar.gz file on your computer once the export
has ended.
In Studio’s Course Outline View, certain terms such as ‘Sections’,
‘Subsections’, ‘Units’, or ‘Components’ are named differently in comparison to
the list of files that are visible after exporting the course and is used to
edit .xml files. Examples of the diction used in the Course Outline view
and the files list are included in the table below.
For instance, imagine you are looking for a particular section in
your course. To do so, when you open the course files list you must look in the Chapter directory. Or if you would like to search for a specific Unit
for example, then you must look in the Vertical directory.
Some possible reasons why you might want to import a course are as follows.
The correct format for the imported course, which you must use, is .tar.gz (a .tar file that is compressed using GNU Zip). In a data directory within the uploaded tar.gz file, there must be a course.xml file as well. Also, the course data directory and the tar.gz file must have the same name. On the other hand, other files may also be included in the tar.gz file.
You may not be able to edit your course in Studio given the course uses legacy layout structures. If you wish to make the course fully editable, make sure all the components are placed within a Unit.
The process of importing a course or course content can be done in 5 steps. For the first 2 stages, you must remain on the Course Import page. However, you can leave the mentioned page once the Unpacking step has finished. Additionally, EdX recommends you don’t make any indispensable changes until after the import operation has ended.
Go through the following steps to import a course.
1. Click on the Import option from the Tools menu.
2. Click the Choose a File to Import button.
3. Navigate to the desired file that you wish to upload. Next, click Open.
4. Click on Replace My Course with the One Above to approve the import.